Dry Herb Vaporizers

What is a dry herb vaporizer?

Best Arizer Vape

The number of people who are consuming cannabis in one form or the other is increasing rapidly. Whether it is for medical purposes or recreational ones, the craze for a great dry herb vaporizer has been on the rise. The most common form of consumption has been smoking a nice fat joint. However, consuming your favorite dry herbs in the form of vapor is also increasing fast. I’m sure you must have heard about it from someone and wondered, what are dry herb vaporizers? Well, we are here to answer this question and many others in the post.

What is a dry herb vaporizer?

In a conventional joint, you crush the herbs, roll them neatly in some paper and burn them to generate the smoke. Notice the term used here is smoke. This means that there are usually other substances present in the gas you inhale to give yourself a high, and often, they are harmful ones. This includes ash, harmful toxins, and even carcinogens (substances that cause cancer).

On the other hand, a dry herb vaporizer is a device that heats your herbs just enough to make them release the oils present in them in the form of a vapor that can be inhaled. Kind of like how you can dry grapes to get raisins without actually burning them. In this way, you are not really burning any of the herbs to give yourself the high thereby avoiding all the nasty effects that are associated with them.

How do dry herb vaporizers work?

There are several types of dry herb vaporizers, and they mainly differ in the way that they heat up their herbs. They can also be differentiated depending on whether they fit into your pocket or sit atop your desk. All of them work on the same principle of heating up your herbs to the right temperature to ensure you get the smoothest flavor possible with none of the harmful side effects.

The most common methods are heating up the herbs by the method of conduction or convection. Sparing the science lesson, conduction is basically heating something by transfer of heat through solid objects. Convection on the other hand heats stuff up using hot fluids or liquids. Hence in the context of vaporizers, conduction means that a heating element will heat up the container with the herbs inside them which eventually leads to the vaporization of herbs. Convection vapes, on the other hand, heat up the air around the herbs and when you suck in through the mouthpiece, the hot air is forced to pass through the herbs heating them up to release the oils.

Choosing between the different types of vapes depends on every individual person as everyone has a specific way that they like to consume their weed. But personally, we love the hybrid and convection vapes the most.

Some Portable Dry Herb Vaporizers

Are there any benefits compared to smoking?

The short answer is most definitely, YES. As mentioned before, when you smoke your herbs rather than vape them, you end up creating many harmful toxins in the process, some potentially carcinogenic as well.

Moreover, because you burn them, it leads to an ashy flavor when consuming your favorite herbs. When you use a dry herb vaporizer, then you get a smooth flavor of the plant only and not any of the harmful toxins that you produce.

Another advantage is that you reduce the risk of secondhand smoke while using these devices. While using a cigarette or joint, the herbs continue to burn even when you are not inhaling them. This increases the risk of people unintentionally inhaling the smoke which might be fun at office parties but not when you have kids in the house.

These devices are even better if you want to keep things discreet. As mentioned before, unlike joints, they aren’t always burning and thus there is no trail of smoke or smell when not in use. Only when you want to puff clouds will people notice that you are consuming something. Thus, they are better than e-cigarettes or joints when you want to keep things on the down-low while getting high.

Finally, using these devices is also more efficient. Due to the reasons mentioned above, you end wasting a lot of the oils that you could have gotten high on. Moreover, if you really are an expert, you can use the already vaped buds in cooking or for other creative purposes.

What about the disadvantages?

Like every other thing in the world, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. There are several studies contradicting each other on the health effects of consuming weed. As the jury is still out on this matter, we will only discuss the disadvantages of vaping weed compared to smoking it.

The biggest disadvantage that you will notice right off the bat is the cost. While there are some cheap portable dry herb vaporizers, most of them range from $100 to $250 and above. This is much more than the average price of the rolling paper that you would normally use for your joints. However, you know what they say, ‘You can’t put a price on health”. Given that vaping is medically proven to be healthier than smoking weed, this is definitely worth the price. Moreover, as mentioned above, vaping is more efficient than smoking, and thus many people have seen that their stock of herbs now lasts twice as long. Thus, one can say that over time, you would make your money back.


We hope that this post gave you an insight into what a dry herb vaporizer is. The advantages of the vapor devices clearly outnumber the disadvantages. If you are convinced that this is the way to go for your next therapeutic session, then check out the range of Arizer products, some of the best on the market, and get started on your vaping journey now!

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