Big Cloud Production

The Best Vaporizer Bong on the Market – Arizer Air II

Using vaporizers is probably one of the best ways to intake marijuana. However, you can enhance this experience even further by combining them with a bong or a bubbler. Unfortunately, not all vapes can be combined easily with a bong. For this purpose, the best vaporizer bong on the market currently is the Arizer Air II.

Before digging into what makes the Air II a perfect match for your bongs/bubblers, a brief look into what they are. Bongs are a dry herb intake device that provides a liquid filtration aspect to the smoke after you light your herbs on fire. Bubblers are essentially the same thing, but portable as they can be attached to a variety of devices to add the same concept of water or liquid filtration to them.

Why is Arizer Air II the best vaporizer bong?

Firstly, the most important factor is the availability of accessories that match the device. Arizer being one of the most popular brands in this market, several manufacturers try to build attachments that suit their products. Since the Air II is one of the flagship products of Arizer along with the Solo II, it is very easy to get bong/bubbler attachments that fit these products.

The pack already comes with 14mm and 18mm mouthpiece attachments. Furthermore, there are soon going to be reducers and expanders available which would help this device fit perfectly into all types of bongs.

With a 1.5-hour battery, your vaping sessions could stretch as long as you like. Thanks to the feature of being able to use the device while you charge it, you are guaranteed to not have any interruptions to your session. Well, only if there is a plug point nearby that is.

The Air II also has quite a quick heat-up time of only 90 seconds. This is possible due to their patented hybrid heating system which uses both conduction and convection to heat the herb faster. So, you can start puffing up without much of a delay.

With its precision temperature control, you can accurately control the type of experience you are having. And if you are worried about reading a flipped display while using the bubbler attachment, Arizer has your back.

The display can be flipped in your direction so you don’t need to move the attachment around to read or try to visualize how the numbers would look upside down to guess the temperature. Though we’re sure the marijuana might help a bit with the visualization.

Last but not the least, the clean-up with the Air II is super easy. Since the herbs are still being loaded into the glass chambers of the vape, there isn’t much hassle. Unlike traditional bongs, you aren’t burning any herbs so that reduces the dirt accumulation. If you replace the water in these attachments with another liquid though, then you should be prepared to take the scrubber out.

Advantages of combining the Arizer II with a bong

You need to light your herbs on fire while using a bong as mentioned earlier. Hence, this would always lead to an ashy taste in your mouth which would mildly be suppressed thanks to the water filtration. There are other downsides to burning your herbs rather than vaporizing them, but the taste is the main one. If you combine a vape with the bong instead, you solve this problem as you aren’t using direct contact with heat anymore.

As you might know the vapor from a dry herb vaporizer makes for better-tasting vapor overall. However, due to the portable nature of some vapes, the time it takes for the puff to travel from the herbs to your mouth is not much. Thus, combining the portable vaporizer with a bong (or bubbler) ensures that the vapor that reaches you is much cooler than normal. This makes for a more pleasant puff, especially for beginners.

Moreover, if you want to experiment, the liquid in your bubbler/bong does not need to be water either. You can fill it with virtually any flavored liquid you want to enhance your experience. Though we can’t really guarantee that the clean-up will be easy later.

Final Thoughts

The Arizer Air II was already a great standalone device. Combining it with the attachments mentioned above, you get the best dry herb vaporizer bong in the market. Not only does it help cool the vapor before reaching your mouth and throat, but the added freedom of modifying the liquid gives your vaping session a degree of customizability unlike before. Couple this with its precision temperature control, and you will be in vape paradise in no time. Thus, this idea can be used by both beginners who feel the vapor is too hot for them or for connoisseurs who want to personalize their vaping sessions further.

Some Other Portable Vaporizer Options

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