Big Cloud Production

Looking for Weed Cartridges? Arizer Delivers!

Looking for Weed Cartridges? Arizer Delivers!

The portable nature of most dry herb vaporizers is probably their biggest asset. Arizer takes this one step further with the design of their vaporizers which allows you to use a system of weed cartridge pipes. Essentially, you don’t need to worry about loading up your vaporizer with herbs whenever your session ends. Just plug a new weed cartridge in and you are ready to go! So how does Arizer manage this?

How do Arizer vaporizers work?

Each of their vapes comes with their patented “aroma tubes”. These aroma tubes are what you load your herbs into. They also double as the mouthpiece through which you draw the vapor on the other hand. There is a small barrier with holes between the two that only allows the vapor through but not the herbs. You can even glass filters to provide an additional level of filtration.

To use the vaporizer, you load the aroma tube on one end with the herbs and plug it into the vaporizer device, an Arizer Solo II for example. The hybrid heating system heats the herbs through conduction and passes hot air through the herbs (convection). This vapor then passes through the barrier mentioned before allowing you to draw the vapor and get high. Since you are loading your herbs into these glass aroma tubes, and there is no limit to how many aroma tubes you can have, it opens a world of possibilities.

Firstly, you can preload these weed cartridges pipes and take them with you. You wouldn’t have to go through the hassle of reloading your machine mid-session. Moreover, you can fill these aroma tubes with virtually anything you want. Your options range from medicinal herbs, marijuana, aromatherapy herbs, and anything else you can grow at home.

The best dry herb vape that enhances the portability factor of Arizer devices is the Arizer Go or ArGo as they like to call it. They offer a range of accessories that help you travel efficiently with your herbs wherever you go.

The Arizer Go

First, let’s look at the vape offered by Arizer that facilitates the easy use of weed cartridges. The ArGo is arguably one of the most portable hybrid vaporizers in the market. Firstly, the size of this is extremely compact. It fits discreetly into your palm.

One of its best features is the pop-up mouthpiece protector that protects the glass aroma tube completely when in your pocket. To change the glass tube, you simply need to unscrew the current one and replace it with a new one.

Besides a long battery life of 90 minutes, this vape also has precision temperature control that will allow you to enjoy your herbs at the exact temperature you love.

This accessory is meant for you to carry dry herbs on a trip. Since it is made of PVC, it won’t break as easily as glass mouthpieces. Moreover, the PVC won’t alter the taste of your herbs either. You can store your pre-crushed herbs here and just load them into the Argo aroma tube when you want to refill the herbs from the last session. It comes with a secure cap so you don’t need to worry about the finer herbs falling off either.

The aroma tubes are the glass tubes that go into the device themselves. The ArGo itself comes with two standard-sized aroma tubes. However, if you ever want to increase that number to carry multiple weed cartridge pipes along with you on your next trip, then you can buy them as extra accessories.

At the store, you have three options. One is the regular 14mm attachment that is native to the Arizer devices. Alternatively, you can go for frosted glass mouthpieces which come in two sizes – 14mm and 19mm. The increase in size allows the vapor to expand and cool down a little bit more before you inhale it. So, you can choose which of these you want based on your preferences.

The aroma tubes are the glass tubes that go into the device themselves. The ArGo itself comes with two standard-sized aroma tubes. However, if you ever want to increase that number to carry multiple weed cartridge pipes along with you on your next trip, then you can buy them as extra accessories.

At the store, you have three options. One is the regular 14mm attachment that is native to the Arizer devices. Alternatively, you can go for frosted glass mouthpieces which come in two sizes – 14mm and 19mm. The increase in size allows the vapor to expand and cool down a little bit more before you inhale it. So, you can choose which of these you want based on your preferences.

Now that you have the Aroma tube cartridges, you need something to seal the end with the herbs. Remember, thanks to the barrier, there is no need of sealing the mouthpiece end.

You can do this sealing easily with the help of Silicone caps provided by Arizer. One pack consists of 4 caps. So, you can seal up to 4 extra pre-loaded aroma tubes for the journey. They are also heatproof, so if you seal a recently used tube, you don’t need to worry about the hot glass damaging anything.

Now that you have seen all the individual components, consider going for the whole package. The case is perfect for long trips for the weed connoisseur. It comes with 5 aroma tubes and silicone caps for each of them.

Moreover, there is also a stylish black case to store all these pre-filled weed cartridges inside. The main purpose of the case is to safely store the glass weed cartridges. An added benefit is that it can absorb the odor of the weed. So, if you put your spent cartridges in there, you don’t need to worry about the smell leaking out.

Additionally, you also get a stainless-steel stirring tool. This would be quite useful if you want to stir your herbs during a session and milk every last drop of oil out of them.

Unfortunately, it does not come with the PVC travel tubes that were mentioned before. But when the ArGo package already has 2 of them and you have 5 additional weed cartridge pipes ready to go, do you really need more?

Final Thoughts

Now you know why we consider the ArGo one of the most portable dry herb vaporizers on the market. When you combine it with its accessories, the convenience of carrying this along with you increases exponentially. Depending on how much you tend to smoke, you can either buy a few individual weed cartridges with silicone toppers, or a PVC tube or two. Or our personal recommendation is to just go for the all-inclusive case and awe all your peers when you pop open the case to keep the session going.

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