Can You Vape Weed
Big Cloud Production

Can You Vape Weed? Yes! Top 5 Ways to Vape Weed!

Can you vape weed? YES! By far one of the best ways to consume cannabis is by vaping. It is possible to vaporize weed, both the dry herb or flower as well as various cannabis concentrates, otherwise known as oils or distillates. That said, in order to properly vaporize weed, for the best results, you also need the best vape.

A vaporizer uses special coils or heating mechanisms to heat up the dry herb or concentrate to the point where the important substances, the THC, turn into vapor which can then be inhaled.

The issue is that there are dozens, if not hundreds of different vaporizers out there. This can make it very difficult to find the right one for you. Right now, Let’s look at the top 5 ways you can vape weed! 

Can You Vape Weed? – Yes, and Here Are the 5 Best Vapes To Do It With!

Here we have five excellent weed vaporizers for you to take a look at. We’ve done our best to provide you with a lot of variety, so you should be able to find at least one that works for you.

Arizer XQ2

This is one of our personal favorite dry herb vaporizers that you absolutely need to check out. This is a very advanced vaporizer that comes loaded to the brim with many different features that make it ideal for at home use. It’s not designed to be portable, but it certainly works well for at-home vaping sessions.

To help provide you with the vaping experience you’re looking for, it comes with upgraded custom session settings as well as the ability to choose the exact vaping temperature that works best for you. To make sure that your vapor is always tasty, smooth, and clean, the XQ2 features an all glass vapor path and a replaceable intake filter.

All of the components here have been carefully sourced to ensure that they are as high-quality and as durable as possible, which is especially true of the durable borosilicate glass comprising the vapor path incorporated into this model.

Complete with a handheld remote control, this vaporizer is about as easy to use as it gets, and it produces some really big and tasty hits. It even comes loaded with accessories, such as a direct draw mouthpiece for whip use, as well as a large vapor bag that you can fill up with the biggest hits you’ve ever seen in your life. Compared to the accessories that come with competitors, the XQ2 knocks it out of the park. 

Arizer ArGo

If you’re looking for something a little bit more portable, then the ArGo is probably the better option for you. 

As the name implies, this unit fits in the palm of your hand, and is designed to be used on the go. Personally, we think it’s one of the best portable dry herb vaporizers on the market. It’s certainly small enough to be very discreet and to easily fit in your pocket.

What is surprising about a portable vape like this is that it features high-capacity rechargeable 18650 batteries that can last for up to 90 minutes per charge. Thanks to this battery, you can get some really big hits all day long.

Next, thanks to the precise digital temperature control, you can make your clouds as thick or thin as you want.

This unit features a meticulously designed hybrid heating system that provides you with perfect results every time. This is combined with the isolated air path and the all-glass vapor path which allow for tasty, smooth, and fresh hits every single time.


Arizer Air SE

While the above Arizer product was designed to be portable, here we have what is effectively the ultimate in on-the-go vaping. 

This is by far one of the smallest dry herb vaporizers from this brand, so small that you might just forget that it’s in your pocket in the first place. It’s quite convenient on this front, because you never have to worry about leaving your vape at home.

Although the battery life might not be as good as with the above unit, it’s still fairly impressive for a model of this size, not to mention that it allows for extra fast micro-USB charging. That said, you still get up to 80 minutes per charge.

Furthermore, five preset temperatures, so you can get the exact experience you’re looking for, whether you’re looking for big clouds or delicate hits.

This is combined with the all-glass vapor path and the isolated air path which come together to provide you with very smooth and fresh hits. As with all of the products from this brand, all of the components have been sourced to ensure that they are as durable and long-lasting as possible.

PAX Plus

The PAX Plus is another very small and portable dry herb vaporizer for all of your favorite cannabis strains. 

However, what really stands out about this unit is that it is not only a dry herb vaporizer, but it also comes with an insert so you can vaporize your favorite cannabis concentrates. This is therefore a 2-in-1 vaporizer, thus making it an extremely versatile unit.

What also stands out about it is that it features over two hours of battery life, and can be easily recharged as well. It easily has one of the best battery lives of all portable vaporizers.

What many people will also appreciate about it is that it has been designed in such a way to make it very easy to clean and operate. This is one of the most user friendly and simplest vapes on the market at this time. 

One of the standout features here is the special flat and raised mouthpieces that come included with your purchase, which help make your vaping experience just a little bit more comfortable.

Dynavap M Plus

Here we have a very unique dry herb vape, and this one does not have a battery or any electronic components whatsoever. It is virtually just a long tube of solid metal that is hollow on the inside. There is a special chamber into which you can insert your dry herb.

You would then use a special torch to heat up the outside of the chamber. This effectively causes the weed on the inside to vaporize without actually combusting. What’s also pretty cool is that the size of the chamber is adjustable to fit your needs.

There are of course both benefits and disadvantages to consider here. The benefit is that you never have to worry about your battery life running out.

However, the disadvantage is that you always need to have a lighter with you. That said, we do really like how the build quality here is extremely high, especially thanks to the medical-grade stainless steel construction.


To answer your question of “can you vape weed?”, the simple answer is yes, and with the above vaporizers we’ve reviewed, you should have the most enjoyable experience possible. Make sure to consider your choice wisely, because the overall result will depend directly on the vaporizer you purchase.

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