Big Cloud Production

Arizer Solo II – The Best Way to Vape Weed

If you are looking for the best way to vape weed, look no further than the Solo II. It has everything you need out of the box to deliver a great experience. The Solo II is a hybrid vape, which means it uses conduction and convection to deliver a big cloud of vapor.  The first few draws don’t have a lot of vapor on the exhale, but you can taste the terpines (if you’re into that) very well during these intial hits.  If you stopped there you would already be well on your way. 

The middle hits of the session produce the biggest clouds. Big long draws lead to big clouds of vapor on the exhale. People are honestly surprised when they see how productive .3 grams of material can be with a great vape. You know you’re done when there is no more vapor on your exhale

To a layman, the world of vaping seems rather easy – just load up your herbs in a device and start vaping. But if you have found your way to this post you know that things are actually more complex in reality and several factors affect the quality of your puff. One of the major ones is the type of heating element used in the vaporizer.

For portable vaporizers, the most common heating technique is conduction where a heated element comes in contact with the herbs leading to them vaporizing. In this case, sometimes the herbs aren’t heated evenly and there is also a slight chance of the herbs burning.

A third way of vaporizing the herbs is through convection where hot air is passed through them. Such heating methods are commonly seen in desktop vaporizers, and it usually results in evenly heated herbs that don’t burn but these devices have the drawback of slow heat-up times.

The best way to vape weed is to use a combination of the two, hybrid vaporizers. These devices combine fast heat-up times of conduction vapes and the even cooking of convection vapes to get the best of both worlds.

To get the best vaping experience you want to go for a hybrid vaporizer, and who better to buy from than a world-renowned brand like Arizer. In our opinion, the Arizer Solo II is truly the best way to vape weed and we have mentioned the reasons in detail below.


The Solo II is the latest addition in the range of portable vapes from Arizer, as an upgrade from the original Solo which was a massive hit. A similar design has been carried forward and improved on. You know what they say, “If it isn’t broken, why fix it?”.  

As mentioned before, this device uses a hybrid heating system much like the previous version. However, it has been improved for even better performance. Several other changes have been made compared to its predecessor including the display, the battery life, and even the packaging. The detailed pros and cons of this flagship device from Arizer are described in detail below.  


One of the biggest positives that people note about this device is the ease of cleaning and maintaining it. Since you pour the herbs into the glass aroma tubes, all you need to do to rinse your aroma tubes with some isopropyl alcohol to clean them well.  

Another benefit is the new OLED panel introduced compared to the LED indicator in the previous model. This allows you to know precisely what temperature you are vaping at, especially with the new precision temperature control on this device that lets you change the temperature accurately to one degree. Moreover, you can also change a few settings like standby time, brightness, and volume.

A major upgrade from the previous version is the battery size. Now, you can smoke up for about 3 hours on a single charge. In the unlikely event that the battery runs out mid-session, you don’t need to worry. Like other Arizer devices, just find a plug-point nearby and continue your session while your vape charges.  

This upgraded version comes with a new ceramic heating element which helps heat your herbs even faster. The heat-up times are now about 30 seconds only compared to the 90 seconds of the original Solo. Moreover, the ceramic dish makes it much easier for you to clean up the element compared to the stainless steel dishes on other devices.  


A small bonus that you get with Arizer (especially with the Solo 2) is the ease of converting this to an aromatherapy device. All you need to do is switch out the aroma tube for the Aroma dish and place your aromatherapy herbs there. Arizer even sends a few sample ones along with the box for you to try!  


Unfortunately, where there are pros, there must be cons as well. One thing you will notice right after opening the package is that the size is rather big. It has been modified a bit to look sleeker than the previous model, but the overall dimensions are more or less the same. Thus, it doesn’t really fit into your pockets easily and is far from discreet. To rectify this, Arizer ships a neat pouch to help carry your vaporizer and a few pre-loaded aroma tubes.  

Another issue some people have is that if they don’t see vapor exhaled they think it’s not working. Some people complain that due to the hybrid nature of the Solo II you have to wait until it heats up. But if you pay close attention the first few draws are the most flavourfull. Giving you a good idea of the particular qualities of the material you’re vaporizing.  What some people think is a drawback is, to me, one of the most enjoyable aspects of this herb vaporizer.

Final Thoughts  

To recap, the pros and cons are –



Easy Maintenance  

Doesn’t have “instant draw”

Faster heat-up times  


Can be used for aromatherapy  


Long battery life 


OLED panel with precision temperature control  


Clearly the pros outnumber the cons. This device can be used by absolutely anyone, a veteran trying to improve the quality of their puff or just an amateur who wants a good experience without much hassle. If you are convinced that the Solo 2 is indeed the best way to vape weed and don’t already own one, then buy an Arizer Solo 2 now!

Shop Other Options!

Solo II
Air II

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